Invertimos en nuestros jóvenes y adultos a través de varios programas que están diseñados para brindar una cantidad de excelentes recursos de aprendizaje durante todo el año. Algunos de nuestros programas incluyen:
Verano bajo el sol
Líderes lectores
Becas y tutorías

Verano bajo el sol
“Summer Under the Sun” es un programa para estudiantes que ingresan al jardín de infantes hasta el octavo grado. Dado que la pandemia mantiene a nuestros niños detrás de la pantalla para el aprendizaje virtual, Summer Under the Sun permite a los niños de nuestra comunidad interactuar entre sí en un ambiente divertido y seguro entre períodos escolares. Este programa está diseñado para complementar el aprendizaje académico y fortalecer nuestra comunidad mediante la promoción del compañerismo y el liderazgo.
Fechas del programa:
24 de junio – 26 de julio de 2024 (cerrado por vacaciones el 4 de julio de 2024)
Horario del programa:
Lunes a viernes: 9:00 a. m. – 3:00 p. m.
Formulario de inscripción:
*Las solicitudes solo se aceptarán en la oficina, este año no aceptaremos solicitudes por correo electrónico.

Program Dates:
June 24th – July 26th, 2024 (Closed for Holiday on July 4th, 2024)
Program Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Registration Form:
*Applications will only be accepted in the office, we are not accepting applications via email this year.
Programa extraescolar Amigos Reader Leaders
El programa extracurricular de Amigos de Guadalupe apoya el rendimiento académico de todos los estudiantes de escuela intermedia durante todo el año escolar académico. El programa brinda instrucción académica y apoyo con las tareas, diseñado para fortalecer las habilidades básicas de inglés y matemáticas de los niños, al mismo tiempo que les brinda un plan de estudios rico y de alta calidad basado en los Estándares Básicos Comunes de California.
Horario del programa:
Lun. -Casarse. y viernes: 15:20 – 17:30 | Jueves. 14:05 - 17:30
Renaissance II (anteriormente escuela secundaria Lee Mathson) Salón D-5

Becas universitarias con oportunidad de tutoría

Amigos de Guadalupe cree en invertir en líderes jóvenes de nuestra comunidad porque representan esperanza para el futuro del este de San José. Queremos que nuestros jóvenes tengan éxito para que puedan apoyar un cambio real en nuestra comunidad, por eso ofrecemos oportunidades de becas y tutorías una vez por año calendario. Las solicitudes son examinadas y seleccionadas por los miembros de nuestra Junta. Una vez seleccionados, a los beneficiarios de las becas se les asigna un mentor que les brindará una valiosa orientación a lo largo de su experiencia universitaria y continuará fomentando una conexión a través de Amigos de Guadalupe durante todo su recorrido académico.
¡Nos complace anunciar que las solicitudes YA ESTÁN ABIERTAS para 2024!
Puedes descargar la aplicación AQUÍ . Asegúrese de descargar, completar y cargar su solicitud y todos los documentos adjuntos AQUÍ .
Alternativamente, puede entregar su solicitud completa y los documentos adjuntos a nuestra oficina principal ubicada en:
1897 Alum Rock Ave. Ste. 35 San Jose, CA 95 116 antes del 22 de abril de 2024 a las 5 p.m.
Si envía una solicitud en persona, envíe un correo electrónico a gchiprez@amigosdeguadalupe.org para confirmar el recibo.
Si desea donar al Fondo de Becas Amigos, haga clic a continuación:

Algunas palabras de nuestros beneficiarios de la Beca Amigos :
Algunas palabras de nuestros beneficiarios de la Beca Amigos :
"As a scholarship recipient, Amigos has aided in providing me with a sense of financial freedom that has allowed me to focus on my academics full-time. This was incredibly important to me as a first-generation, low-income student, especially so because I was moving across the country for college. Some of the things the scholarship has helped me fund include my round-trip flights from San Jose to Boston, as well as a new laptop.
Aside from the monetary aid, I was also blessed with a supportive community within Amigos. Over my winter break, I had the pleasure of interning with Amigos as a Community Navigator. Working directly with members of the same community I grew up in bolstered my perspective regarding the lack of resources amongst low-income, minority groups. It helped me intentionally help my community move forward and access what they have been deprived of for so long.
Overall, Amigos and being a scholarship recipient has been a wonderful aid to furthering my education, and if you are a youth - especially a youth from East San Jose like me - please apply!"
- 2022 Scholarship Recipient, Giselle Chiprez

Algunas palabras de nuestros beneficiarios de la Beca Amigos :
"Amigos had the unwavering belief that I could go to college. They didn’t ask for my grades. They didn’t need to see my test scores. They looked at me, a young Latino wanting to go to college and trying to figure it out. I was lucky enough to be the first cohort to have received the scholarship.
It helped in so many different ways, one of them being the culture shock of having peers that were wealthier than I was, and then there were the textbooks which cost more than my family makes in one week...
Thanks to the Amigos scholarship and the mentorship that came along, I was able to pay for all of my college expenses.
Amigos had the same unwavering belief as my parents, that a poor Latino who grew up in the East Side could attend one of the best universities in the world. And so, it’s that unwavering belief that got me a full ride into the University of Chicago, that got me to graduate with honors and pick up two degrees in economics and public policy, that brought me back to East San Jose to serve as the Director of Finance of the very same nonprofit that had the unwavering belief in me.
Now as a member of the Amigos team I have the same unwavering belief in the youth here in the east side and I encourage any student like me to apply."
-First cohort Scholarship Recipient, Jose Murillo
Algunas palabras de nuestros beneficiarios de la Beca Amigos :
"I was around my early teens when I first learned about the Amigos de Guadalupe scholarship when I was a member of Our Lady of Guadalupe church choir. Throughout my entire middle school and high school experience at college prep schools, I always knew pursuing higher education was a path I wanted to take. What I didn’t know was how expensive and work it would take.
As someone who’s ambitious and hardworking, I wasn’t nervous about getting there, but how much it would cost to get there. As a first-generation student, the whole college process was never something my parent or I had experienced before which made it sometimes difficult.
After getting decisions for the colleges I applied for made the idea of attending college real. Throughout this process, there were many times when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up, but I knew that wasn’t an option, so I kept going. In the end, I decided on UC San Diego and that's when my church choir leader reminded me of the scholarship because everyone knew how costly college was. The Amigos de Guadalupe scholarship gave me the support and confidence I needed to keep going. They didn’t focus on my grades or GPA, but rather on my ambition to pursue higher education as a lower-income student. This scholarship allowed me to buy college tools like textbooks, and other things to ensure I had the resources to do well.
I will forever be grateful that I was rewarded with this scholarship and I encourage anyone who’s applying to college or already attending to apply!
- 2021 Scholarship Recipient, Brianna Bautista

Algunas palabras de nuestros beneficiarios de la Beca Amigos :
"My name is Anayansi Hernandez, I am 18 and a first-year student at CSUS (California State University, Sacramento) I am also a first-generation student. So far it is going well, it is something different than high school, but I am appreciative and grateful to be here and have this opportunity to be here. In the beginning when I began applying to schools, I always said Sac State was my first choice but then I began to get indecisive in the end but deep down I really wanted to come here. I would like to thank Amigos de Guadalupe because thanks to them they also helped me throughout this journey with a scholarship. I had heard about it because of my mom and from one of the college advisors at the high school I went to. I am thankful to have gotten that help and felt happy to have gotten the opportunity to get a scholarship from an organization in my community. I would highly recommend any incoming college students to take the time and apply for the Amigos de Guadalupe scholarship because they are trying to help you accomplish your dream career. This will be a good help for you and your parents because going to school after high school is not at all cheap. Do not overthink it and just fill out the application, it will be for your own good. Also, if you have any questions the Amigos de Guadalupe team is extremely helpful and can help you out just reach out to them."
- 2022 Scholarship Recipient, Anayansi Hernandez